Sound Shapes is a game that was developed by Queasy Games and published by Sony Computer Entertainment of America, this game is available for PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita and PlayStation 4. Sound Shapes was announced at E3 2011 and the game had a lot of high praise from the critics at the expo. Sound Shapes at its core is a two dimensional action platformer with musical elements, the developer likes to call Sound Shapes a musical platformer. Sound Shapes starts off with the player controlling as a blob in the tutorial, yes a blob a very unique character to control in this already unique game. In the campaign of Sound Shapes you have the choice of going into five world or albums as the game calls them; each album has a different theme compared to the next.

Gameplay of Sounds Shapes is very simple; the goal of every stage in an album is to collect all the circles collectibles throughout the stage. The blob’s unique characteristics allow it to stick to platforms/walls, roll at a faster speed at your choice and has unlimited lives; this blob cannot die no matter how many times you try. While collecting these circles more background music is added as you proceed through the stage, which makes game more enjoyable as you play it. Death in Sounds Shapes is very forgiving; the moment it happens you’re instantly put back into the game thanks to the many checkpoint circles you pass through in the stage. Difficulty wise the Sound Shapes campaign is not that hard and can be beaten in a short amount of time, it is a game where the experience is enjoyed more than the difficulty.

Sound Shapes as a game is a very artistic game and if you look deeper you can see something else in this game that will speak to you. Every platform and wall in the game is placed with a purpose in mind. There was never a moment in this game I thought the level design was good for a fifteen dollar game, the level design is fantastic and if the game was worth more I would still buy it. The level designs for each album in the game is thought out in a very unique way and they each tell a story from the level and sound design alone.

If the art of the game doesn't buy you on the game then the music will definitely do that. The music in Sound Shapes has many different artists in mind going from Beck to deadmau5 to other artists featured in other Sound Shapes stages in the game. Each artist in the game has their own unique stage in each album; so if you have your own tastes in music you just might get to experience it in this game. The music in Sound Shapes is really the reason why this is a fantastic game; without the music the game on its own is just a good platformer and that’s it.

Sound Shapes as a game really starts to get interesting when the campaign is finished, the game unlocks two new modes called Death Mode and Beat School. Death Mode is where you have to collect a questionable amount of circles in a certain amount of time; it’s a mode in the game you need patience and luck to beat.  Beat School on the other hand is not necessarily a hard mode to beat; musical smart players can easily beat this mode while regular players can have trouble with this mode. In Beat school players have to match up a certain tune with the creation tools the developer has provided.

Another mode in Sound Shapes that you learned about in the beginning of the game is how to create your own Sound Shapes level at a basic level; a mode I personally did not play with but creative people will have fun with it. The game comes with its own creation tools for the creative people who want to make their own dream Sound Shapes level. There is a vibrant community of levels that are arguably better than the levels in the campaign. Which goes to show how creative players can be when you give the players the tools they need to create something special. The developer has added more content as downloadable content for beat school if you enjoy that mode more than the community levels.

For trophy hunters Sound Shapes is a game that will loved by these group of people, on an individual trophy list with downloadable content trophies included there are 64 trophies for this game alone; which includes one platinum, one gold and sixty two silver trophies. Since the trophy list isn’t tied to one platform and this game is available on three separate PlayStation platforms. For fifteen dollars plus the downloadable content on the PlayStation Network it is possible to get one hundred and ninety two trophies on this purchase. Syncing your save to the cloud on one platform allows the trophies to show up on another platform; if you really want those trophies then this is a way to avoid playing death mode two more times. Sound Shapes can definitely be enjoyed both by casual and non-casual players, there is something for everyone in Sound Shapes.

Sound Shapes is a very fun and special game at its core, even though the game is available on two other PlayStation platforms; it plays best on the PlayStation Vita which isn't a surprise since Sound Shapes was originally an exclusive for that platform. Sound Shapes brings platform game mechanics and music into one neat package. While some games have music that compliments the gameplay, Sound Shapes goes the opposite route; the gameplay compliments the music in the game in every way. Sound Shapes can be seen as a simple platformer with good music, but there is something more to be seen with this game not with your eyes though; if you listen hard enough you can hear the message and the themes the creators of this game is trying to put out there. This is a game that should be played with headphones. When it comes to recommending games for new owners of a PlayStation Vita, Sound Shapes is the game I recommend first and I mean it when I say that because this is a game that every PlayStation Vita owner should play and own.


This is going to be a weird post to write because I don't know what I think of the Vita right now but I'll try to put my thoughts into words.

I am a gamer whose only connection to handheld gaming is through the Gameboy brand alone, which is the only brand of handhelds I've ever bought. Which for some reason I skipped on the DS and the 3DS; why I skipped is a story for another time. I wanna talk about another handheld that is also very near and dear to my heart.

 A long time ago I owned a PSP, I got a used one at EB Games because I was cheap (still am). It was a magical moment because it was so amazing what that little handheld could do. I never really got into the PSP generation because that generation was literally stolen from; I was a dumb high school kid who left his PSP in one of the desks in my English Classroom. One Period later it was gone and so was my chance to play so many great games of that generation.

Fast forward a few years and the rumors of a possible PSP2 come up, I did not know what to think the potential of a even powerful PSP made me wonder; I asked myself should I bet on the horse known as PlayStation Handheld again. I had the money and I was more mature but was I ready to do this again. I think E3 2011 is when I thought to myself I'm going to bet on this horse known as the PS Vita. I got excited hearing my friends Greg Miller and Colin Moriarty talk about the Vita on Podcast Beyond, the #1 PlayStation Podcast on the internet. I don't want to say I got caught up in the hype but I was legitimately excited for the Vita thanks to them.

The thought of having a PS3 in my pocket sounded awesome at the time. I was 19 at the time I pre-ordered it from EB Games and told my parents that I'm buying this; I use to tell them if I was buying something big, not anymore though. When the launch Day in North America came for the Vita, there was a box on my kitchen ready for me to tear open. Now I did my research before buying the Vita; the memory card was shipped a week before the launch of the vita, so I was ready for the vita. I bought 3 games and I had so much fun with them.

Over the time with the Vita I've come to realize that this handheld is totally different then what Sony had in mind for it. I can't blame them either though, the market when they launched the PSP compared to the Vita is like yin and yang; they are the same in some respect but totally different at the same time. During it's time the joke of 'But the Vita has no games' has come up a lot in my ownership of this device; I've owned a PS Vita for 2 and half years coming up and in that time I've purchased 80+ games digitally that would like to say otherwise. I can safely say the PS Vita is my favorite handheld ever of  all time. Whenever a game comes out on multiple PlayStation Platform I get it and play it on Vita only; I barely play console games nowadays because to be frank there are so many games on vita it is ridiculous. The Indie games are so good on Vita probably the reason I game so much on Vita, but please don't call them Indie ports or call the handheld an IndieStaion; the team of people who brought those wonderful games to this wonderful handheld feel a little insulted when they hear that.

Now even though the Vita has a lot of games now there has been something that has been on my mind lately; I wonder about Sony's Support for the Vita because from what I hear getting a PS Vita is not that easy to get any more. People wonder if there discontinuing it, which they are not at least that’s what I think. Plus the announcements at big shows like E3 and Gamescom make me wonder about the future of the Sony handheld that can keep on going hopefully.  As a platform it is bad when I as a consumer question a company's support for this thing I love and cherish. It's something you should definitely you should be worried about; I know Sony is a smart company and I hope they continue to support it. Now this may have been a bad time for the vita, it can be theorized that Sony is trying to get the PS4 momentum going so they can support both in the long run; this Gamescom and E3 could have just been bad timing.

The Vita community is a very passionate fan base, I know that and so do many developers; I think Sony knows this more now than ever and shows us big guns at TGS in Japan where the Vita quantity wise is the strongest(that goes for consumers and developers).

It goes without saying I love this platform like any Vita owner I want this platform to succeed, you don't even know how much I want this or maybe you do. I keep saying the word 'hope' throughout this post but I just want it to happen that much. I want it to succeed no matter how many sites put it on their list of failed consoles and handhelds.

At the beginning of the year I always knew that an increase in games was coming and I always knew that Canadians would complain about it since that's what they do best. Games have been the same prices in Canada in comparison to the US for the last 10 years and now that's changing. Why is that changing exactly because from 2011 to 2012 the Canadian dollar was worth more then the US Dollar at many points in those 2 years and Canadian branches of retail companies really liked that. They were getting a lot more value from one game alone then one US copy and that was profitable.

When you reach the top of the hill sometimes you have to go down it and that's what the Canadian dollar has been doing in more then 1 year. I don't think people realize that from 2011 to 2012 was a really good 2 years for the Canadian dollar. but as a trend  the Canadian dollar has to go down in value at some point. My point is that the retailers have been losing money the last 1-2 years and they were willing to pay it in 2013 but at this point when it's at 90 cents for every US Dollar and possibly will be lower by the end of the year enough is enough I guess.

I always ask myself  'Why video games?' and I don't really know honestly, all I can do is makes predictions. This industry is a very young one compared to any of the other entertainment industry. All I know this is just about money like any problem.

Now at this point I'll stop talking about the business and start talking how this will affect me. As an unemployed drop out with a lot of money in the bank with little to no addictions this will affect me in some way and at the same time it won't; $5-10 extra is literally nothing to me. From what I know about this increase this will effect owners of next gen consoles and future owners and since I don't have one(unless we're counting the Wii U) this will affect less now. This increase will not be permanent it will go away when the Canadian dollar goes back to where it was before. That's my opinion I guess I know not many people will agree and I don't really give a fuck.
This will be a very personal post just a little warning, 5 years ago when I was still in high school my best friend stop talking to me out of no where. I really shouldn't say it came out of no where the signs were there but I just ignored them; I was oblivious to what was going on with my friend; maybe I should go to the beginning when I met my best friend. Out of respect for this blog I will just call this best friend MO. Now I met MO in elementary school when I was in grade 1, we were in the same class together I think he was the new kid(It's been over 15 years so it's hard to remember the details).

For the next few years our friendship for each other grew, we didn't really consider ourselves best friend but more on the line of brothers that were born from different mothers. Both of us only had sisters so it was very easy to see why we considered each of us brothers(since we both didn't have one). I would say that around preteens/early teens where things started to change and mind you I'm not talking about the liking the girls and puberty. During this time he tried to end our friendship on multiple occasions. I think this was at the stage where teenagers starts to rebel against his/her parents. Let me tell you he rebelled hard; to list a few I remember him stealing Trinidad Cigars from someone, sneaking out at night and the usual drugs with friends. His family I've met on many occasions and I'll be honest I was jealous of him. from the outside it looked like he had something I've never had...a family that got along. I learned over the years just because the outside looks good doesn't mean the inside is the same or as the old saying don't judge a book by it's cover.

I think when things actually changed is when everyone in the same year were applying for high school, a good majority were going to the high school. He was in the minority that was going to a catholic school. For the first 2 years we kept in touch; We went to the movies, had sleepovers at his house, and hanged on the weekends when he could. Everything changed on 'that' day when my loyalty for our friendship came into question. I really can't remember if this was before or during high school, I would like to say before.

Anyway it seemed his dad was arguing with him about where he was getting this extra money from(I'm the source if you wanna know). He came to my house at my doorstep on raining day(great timing), I could tell he was crying just looking at his eyes, he asked if he wanted to hang out was just a poor excuse just for his father not to find him one location I nodded and went with him. Out of everyone he could of went to he came to me that day and I knew why. I don't remember much that day but I remember asking that he should pay me back the money that I was giving him. After I got back my Dad was waiting fro me with questions since his Dad did call my place while I was gone.

He asked if I knew where he was and where MO was getting the money from, I was honest and told him it was me. After that day My Dad and MO's Dad met at a Tim Horton's and tried to fix this mess. Eventually I got my money back which was like 30 or 40 bucks may not seem like much now but back then if you were 12-14 in that time and had that money you had plans to do with it. After that he didn't talk with me that much went to a movie with him(girlfirend as well) and other friends from the Catholic school sooooo I didn't know them at all. To this day I remember the last day I saw him, I last spoke to him in person during the premiere of the Incredible Hulk movie in the summer of 2008. After that I just tried talking to him on Facebook, the keyword here is try since it is hard to have a conversation with someone who doesn't want to have one. Honestly at this point 5 freakin years later I don't want to talk with him either. I doubt so much that he's even reading this.

Thanks to this and events leading up to this day, I have a lot of trust issues when it comes to 'friends', I have gotten things stolen because of mutual friends(who come with friends) when they were over at my house. I don't really know what a true friend is to this day, I can honestly say he had the potential of being one but things never work out the way you want it to.

After that I turned to the internet and made this persona called 'Hunterslasher13' in order to forget him. I don't regret it because I've made a lot of new friends on the internet from YouTube, GamingUnion, MAHQ and IGN that have the same common interests. I don't know what those guys honestly think of me but I hope if they do read this then they might understand me a little better since I never  really share my feelings to them.
After a late or early(depending where you are) viewing of Sony's Japan conference, the piece of news that hit me the most just so happen to come out of Andrew House's jacket. The PS Vita TV is such a smart idea if you really look into it. Firstly, it will allow content creator's to pull the actual gameplay from the device itself instead of those videos of a camera  recording the vita screen. Secondly, there is a potential of streaming vita games for an audience who wants it. Thirdly, people who thought that the vita had too much of entry point now have one. Lastly, the price  is the smartest idea in my opinion because for a while modded vitas that were selling for over $400 on the internet that could do those first two points I listed.

I think Nintendo should really take notes what Sony is doing for there platform I know that sounds ironic since Sony took notes from them in the beginning but still they should note what they are doing nonetheless.
Just one more additional point I have to include why this is such a smart idea, this piece of hardware is around $100 if you convert the yen into american money; you know what else is $100, Android consoles have been getting a little attention in 2013. What if this PS Vita TV is Sony's way of getting into that potential market. I really have to commend Sony for all these smart decisions lately, ever since the start of 7th generation they have been making a bad decision after bad decision; it was like watching a little boy fall down while learning to ride a two wheeler for the first time. It looks like Sony has finally learned though, they have learned to ride a two wheeler maybe in the future we'll see them do a wheely.

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