After a late or early(depending where you are) viewing of Sony's Japan conference, the piece of news that hit me the most just so happen to come out of Andrew House's jacket. The PS Vita TV is such a smart idea if you really look into it. Firstly, it will allow content creator's to pull the actual gameplay from the device itself instead of those videos of a camera recording the vita screen. Secondly, there is a potential of streaming vita games for an audience who wants it. Thirdly, people who thought that the vita had too much of entry point now have one. Lastly, the price is the smartest idea in my opinion because for a while modded vitas that were selling for over $400 on the internet that could do those first two points I listed.
I think Nintendo should really take notes what Sony is doing for there platform I know that sounds ironic since Sony took notes from them in the beginning but still they should note what they are doing nonetheless.
Just one more additional point I have to include why this is such a smart idea, this piece of hardware is around $100 if you convert the yen into american money; you know what else is $100, Android consoles have been getting a little attention in 2013. What if this PS Vita TV is Sony's way of getting into that potential market. I really have to commend Sony for all these smart decisions lately, ever since the start of 7th generation they have been making a bad decision after bad decision; it was like watching a little boy fall down while learning to ride a two wheeler for the first time. It looks like Sony has finally learned though, they have learned to ride a two wheeler maybe in the future we'll see them do a wheely.
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